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Source code for panther.displacements

from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division

import logging
import pickle
import copy
from math import pi
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from collections import OrderedDict
from six import string_types

from ase import units

from writeBmat import get_internals, get_bmatrix

from .pes import expandrange


ANG2BOHR = 1.0 / units.Bohr
AU2INVCM = 0.01 * units.Hartree / units.J / (units._hplanck * units._c)
PRM = units._amu / units._me

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def get_nvibdof(atoms, proj_rotations, proj_translations, phase, include_constr=False): ''' Calculate the number of vibrational degrees of freedom Parameters ---------- atoms : ase.Atoms proj_translations : bool If ``True`` translational degrees of freedom will be projected from the hessian proj_rotations : bool If ``True`` rotational degrees of freedom will be projected from the hessian include_constr : bool If ``True`` the constraints will be included Returns ------- nvibdof : float Number of vibrational degrees of freedom ''' # get the total number of degrees of freedom if include_constr: ndof = 3 * (len(atoms) - len(atoms.constraints)) else: ndof = 3 * len(atoms) extradof = 0 if phase.lower() == 'gas': if proj_rotations & proj_translations: if ndof > 6: extradof = 6 elif ndof == 6: extradof = 5 elif phase.lower() == 'solid': if proj_rotations | proj_translations: extradof = 3 else: raise ValueError('Wrong phase specification: {}, expecting either ' '"gas" or "solid"'.format(phase)) return ndof - extradof
[docs]def get_internals_and_bmatrix(atoms): ''' internals is a numpy record array with 'type' and 'value' records bmatrix is a numpy array n_int x n_cart Parameters ---------- atoms : ase.Atoms Atoms object ''' intc_raw = get_internals(atoms) bmatrix = get_bmatrix(atoms, intc_raw) internals = np.array([(i.tag, i.value) for i in intc_raw], dtype=[('type', 'S4'), ('value', np.float32)]) mask = internals['value'] < 0.0 internals['value'][mask] = 2 * pi + internals['value'][mask] return internals, bmatrix
[docs]def get_modeinfo(hessian, freqs, ndof, Bmatrix_inv, Dmatrix, mwevecs, npoints, internals): ''' Compose a DataFrame with information about the vibrations, each mode corresponds to a separate row ''' # DataFrame with mode data mi = pd.DataFrame(index=pd.Index(data=range(ndof), name='mode'), columns=['HOfreq', 'effective_mass', 'displacement', 'is_stretch', 'vibration']) mi['HOfreq'] = freqs * AU2INVCM mi['vibration'] = (mi.HOfreq != 0.0) & (mi.HOfreq.notnull()) mi = vib_population(hessian, freqs, Bmatrix_inv, Dmatrix, internals, mi) mi['is_stretch'] = mi['P_stretch'] > 0.9 mi['effective_mass'] = 1.0 / np.einsum('ij,ji->i', mwevecs.T, mwevecs) # calculate the megnitude of the displacement for all the modes mi.loc[mi['is_stretch'], 'displacement'] = \ 8.0 / np.sqrt(2.0 * pi * np.abs(freqs[mi['is_stretch'].values])) mi.loc[~mi['is_stretch'], 'displacement'] = \ 4.0 / np.sqrt(2.0 * pi * np.abs(freqs[~mi['is_stretch'].values])) mi['displacement'] = mi['displacement'] / (npoints * 2.0) mi.to_pickle('modeinfo.pkl') return mi
[docs]def calculate_displacements(atoms, hessian, freqs, normal_modes, npoints=4, modes='all'): ''' Calculate displacements in internal coordinates Parameters ---------- atoms : ase.Atoms Atoms object with the equilibrium structure hessian : array_like Hessian matrix in atomic units freqs : array_like Frequencies (square roots of the hessian eigenvalues) in atomic units normal_modes : array_like Normal modes in atomic units npoints : int Number of points to displace structure, the code will calculate ``2*npoints`` displacements since + and - directions are taken modes : str or list/tuple of ints, default 'all' Range of the modes for which the displacements will be calculated Returns ------- images : dict of dicts A nested (ordred) dictionary with the structures with mode, point as keys, where point is a number from -4, -3, -2, -1, 1, 2, 3, 4 mi : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame with per mode characteristics, displacements, masses and vibrational population analysis ''' natoms = atoms.get_number_of_atoms() ndof = 3 * natoms masses = atoms.get_masses() pos = atoms.get_positions() internals, Bmatrix = get_internals_and_bmatrix(atoms) # matrix with inverse masses on diagonal M_inv = np.zeros((ndof, ndof), dtype=float) np.fill_diagonal(M_inv, np.repeat(1.0 / (masses * PRM), 3)) Gmatrix =,, Bmatrix.T)) Gmatrix_inv = np.linalg.pinv(Gmatrix) mwevecs =, normal_modes) Bmatrix_inv =,, Gmatrix_inv)) Dmatrix =, mwevecs) # DataFrame with mode data mi = pd.DataFrame(index=pd.Index(data=range(ndof), name='mode'), columns=['HOfreq', 'effective_mass', 'displacement', 'is_stretch', 'vibration']) mi['HOfreq'] = freqs * AU2INVCM mi['vibration'] = (mi.HOfreq != 0.0) & (mi.HOfreq.notnull()) mi = vib_population(hessian, freqs, Bmatrix_inv, Dmatrix, internals, mi) mi['is_stretch'] = mi['P_stretch'] > 0.9 mi['effective_mass'] = 1.0 / np.einsum('ij,ji->i', mwevecs.T, mwevecs) # calculate the megnitude of the displacement for all the modes mi.loc[mi['is_stretch'], 'displacement'] = \ 8.0 / np.sqrt(2.0 * pi * np.abs(freqs[mi['is_stretch'].values])) mi.loc[~mi['is_stretch'], 'displacement'] = \ 4.0 / np.sqrt(2.0 * pi * np.abs(freqs[~mi['is_stretch'].values])) mi['displacement'] = mi['displacement'] / (npoints * 2.0) mi.to_pickle('modeinfo.pkl') if isinstance(modes, string_types): if modes.lower() in ['all', ':']: modes = mi[mi['vibration']].index.values else: modes = expandrange(modes) elif isinstance(modes, (list, tuple)): raise NotImplementedError('not available yet') else: ValueError('<modes> should be a str, list or tuple ' 'got: {}'.format(type('modes'))) images = OrderedDict() for mode in modes: nu = np.abs(freqs[mode]) * AU2INVCM images[mode] = OrderedDict() if nu < FREQ_THRESH and nu > 0.0: for sign in [1, -1]: for point in range(1, npoints + 1): # debug line = ' mode : {0:d} '.format(mode) +\ ' nu : {0:.4f} '.format(nu) +\ ' point : {0:d} '.format(point * sign) log.debug(, '*')) # equilibrium structure coords = pos.ravel().copy() * ANG2BOHR internal_coord_disp = sign * Dmatrix[:, mode] *\ mi.loc[mode, 'displacement'] * point cart_coord_disp =, internal_coord_disp) coords += cart_coord_disp coords_init = coords.copy() iteration = 1 not_converged = True while not_converged: # update atoms with new coords newatoms = atoms.copy() newatoms.set_positions(coords.reshape(natoms, 3) / ANG2BOHR) internals_new, Bmatrix = get_internals_and_bmatrix(newatoms) # debug log.debug('internals'.center(80, '-')) for row in internals_new: log.debug('{0:5s} {1:20.10f}'.format(row['type'], row['value'])) delta_int = internal_coord_disp - (internals_new['value'] - internals['value']) disp_norm = np.sqrt(, delta_int)) if iteration == 1: disp_norm_init = copy.copy(disp_norm) elif iteration > 1: if disp_norm - disp_norm_init > DISPNORM_THRESH: print('### Back iteration not convergerd after', iteration, 'iterations') print('### disp_norm - disp_norm_init: ', disp_norm - disp_norm_init) coords = coords_init.copy() break for internal_type in ['A', 'T']: mask = np.logical_and(internals['type'] == internal_type, delta_int > pi) delta_int[mask] = 2 * pi - np.abs(delta_int[mask]) cart_coord_disp =, delta_int) coords += cart_coord_disp if np.max(np.abs(cart_coord_disp)) < CARTDISP_THRESH: print('### convergence achieved after ', iteration, ' iterations') break elif iteration > 25: print('### convergence NOT achieved after ', iteration, ' iterations') break else: iteration += 1 newatoms.set_positions(coords.reshape(natoms, 3) / ANG2BOHR) images[mode][sign * point] = newatoms with open('images.pkl', 'wb') as fpkl: pickle.dump(images, fpkl) return images, mi
[docs]def vib_population(hessian, freqs, Bmatrix_inv, Dmatrix, internals, mi): ''' Calculate the vibrational population analysis Parameters ---------- hessian : array_like Hessian matrix freqs : array_like A vector of frequencies (square roots fof hessian eigenvalues) Bmatrix_inv : array_like Inverse of the B matrix Dmatrix : array_like D matrix internals : array_like Structured array with internal coordinates mi : pandas.DataFrame Modeinfo Returns ------- mi : pandas.DataFrame Modeinfo DataFrame updated with columns with vibrational population analysis results ''' # Wilson F matrix Fmatrix =,, Bmatrix_inv)) # norm of |Fmatrix - Fbcktr| can be used to check the accuracy of # the transformation Fbcktr =,, Bmatrix)) # construct the nu matrix with population contributions from # internal coordinates to cartesians nu = np.multiply(Dmatrix.T,, Fmatrix)) nu[nu < 0.0] = 0.0 # divide each column of nu by the hessian eigenvalues nu = nu / np.power(freqs[:, np.newaxis], 2.0) icnames = [('R', 'P_stretch'), ('A', 'P_bend'), ('T', 'P_torsion'), ('IR1', 'P_longrange')] for iname, cname in icnames: mi.loc[:, cname] = 0.0 if iname in internals['type'].tolist(): mask = internals['type'] == iname # sum over rows of nu to get the vibrational populations mi.loc[:, cname] = np.sum(nu[:, mask], axis=1) return mi